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Thursday, 15 October 2015

Stitched Up

Someone took an ice cream scoop and scooped out all of me. Hollowed me out and made me an empty, echoing, lonely space.

With slight of hand while busy torturing me in new and ingenius ways, upping the ante every single day I didn't notice the stitching. I recognised how trapped I was feeling but I did not notice my loss of movement.

The further I crawled inwards away from the light, away from the pain, away from the feelings of being less than, the faster they stitched. So every time I wanted to peep out and try to reach for someone, I would have to contort myself into painful positions just to squeeze my way out of the opening.

Slowly I was being cocooned in a huge sack of misery, hollowed out so my soul clattered around sadly whispering for company in an empty vessel. The hole has become so small no light or love gets in any more.

I wish I had known to bring matches or a torch. I can't see my hand in front of my face at night, the gloom of pain is so murky and thick like soup it fills the hollows and wisps out of the bag letting out little puffs of sighs.

Alone I am. No longer certain anyone can see me. I've been completely stitched up. Trapped in a bag of misery. Sighs are my only breeze. My soul has become embittered, too much time trapped alone has made me grow prickles and that which is not hollowed has puddled into soft gooey mess of over-sensitivity. All raw nerves, wrapped in a sack, still through the hole comes the pain. With the covering stripped off each nerve so that I am a huge network of beacons for the collective energy, it all brushes over my nerves and even thoughts and whispers are torturous.

Life devolved to a prickle, in a sad sack, sighing like the breeze. No one will find me. Perhaps it's best I give in and stay in the dark. But I would miss the world. So I will hibernate instead and hope to grow new skin, cover my nerves and stop feeling everything. I may love abundantly but I need to protect myself from absorbing the energy of those around me. Mine is enough. So I will re-emerge in the spring a prickle-less bundle of new born love and joy having shed all the sads and pain. Escaped and reborn, tearing at the stitches of the darkened pocket where they trapped me, emerging anew full of abundant light, joy and belief in the possibility of anything and everything.


  1. Replies
    1. It's strange isn't it? We want to engage but it's a transaction of energy to which we mostly cannot afford. I can'tseem to help but do it but I am better better at it. Protecting myself x

  2. I hope you feel better soon. Everyone's life has challenges but your are too much to even read.
    meet and greet Gatwick
    meet and greet at Gatwick


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